So we're right in the middle of doing a rebuild on the site. When we first put it together, there weren't too many products to worry about. Now... well, it's a different story. The main counter takes too long to load, and apparently, everything is too big. I got a tongue lashing from one of the top web marketers in the biz. Ah, well, that's what happens when someone as nearsighted as me designs a website :P
It's a bit of a daunting task, like fixing up an old Victorian. Where do you start?
So I have temporarily retreated into the peace and safety of crafting. I spent the week whipping up a bunch of fresh candle colors, and am busily making seven knobs in every color of the rainbow. It always annoyed me that the only colors available on the market for specialty spell candles were black, white, green, and red.
C'mon! There is something to be said for retrofitting correspondences to your intent, but enough is enough!
There is also a fresh batch of egg candles, just in time for
Imbolc, and new crystal candles, Road Opener Oil (a.k.a
Abre Camino), but they haven't been added to the main shop just yet. Until the shop is properly organized, I've put them on
Etsy to see how people respond.
Etsy has been a fun experience. I never sold on the horror that is
Ebay (thank the gods!), and it's nice to have a sense of community with others that are hand crafting.
In other news, a friend here in town that had purchased a bottle of
Algiers Fast Luck from us ran over shortly after he applied it to tell us that a $15,000 contract had landed in his lap, out of the blue. How's that for a
bad ass condition oil?!
The monthly specials are going to be switched over tomorrow morning, and Algiers will definitely be on the list. It isn't one of our more expensive oils, but everyone could use a bit of luck right now!
There is usually at least one stone, an oil, and an herb to the monthly special, but I am a bit stumped right now. Any thoughts on what you might like?
The new year is unfurling beautifully, and we are madly sketching up ideas for the coming months. Stuff for our beloved Kitchen Witches. Bath Salts. More Pagan and
Wiccan focused items. I know we are pretty heavy on the Hoodoo formulas right now, and that is totally my fault ;) I love making them and they work.
Ah well, the experiments rage on. Have a great day!