I took a week off. For the first time in four years, I actually took a vacation. Road trip to the wilds of Illinois, to meet my sweetie's folks, and explore some of the historic sites, hauntings, and legends of the Prairie State.
To be honest, I came away with more questions than answers. Little cemeteries hidden by the wayside, gorgeous old homes falling into ruin, skeletal remains of stories half hidden in the mist.
We went searching for the "Ghost House", said to appear on certain nights on a lonely crossroad in McDonough County, and the hidden history of Crybaby Bridge.
All in all, I came back wonderfully relaxed, with a plethora of research material to sort through. I missed you guys!
The shop is back up and running full tilt, and we're shipping out on the regular schedule now. I've also put in a Sales & Specials section in the Etsy shop. Handknit Tarot bags, dream pillows, and Pagan garb are 20% off right now!